Friday, 29 March 2013

Easter Bonnets!

Not only did many girls walk to school in the downpours, but many of them wore eye-catching bonnets!

Down to Earth Theatre Company

We had a visit from a theatre company called "Down to Earth". Established in 1991, they perform in schools to promote environmental awareness to children. Their aim is to help young people understand why and how environmental problems effect them and to encourage them to look at ways in which they can help to protect the environment. They were great fun!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

St. Patrick's Day Feet on Friday

 St. Patrick's Day Feet on Friday


 We had typical St. Patrick's Day weather for our Green Feet on Friday this week, but everyone still got into the spirit of the occasion!


Thursday, 14 March 2013

The whole school community was involved in composing our Mission statement and our Green Travel slogan. It was a hard job with so many fabulous ideas but eventually we voted on the ones that most reflected the school's view on caring for the environment.

Our Mission Statement
Our Mission is to be as green as we can be.
We want our school to be a credit to the environment by playing our role.
Our school also wants to spread ideas to help the environment.
This is only the beginning...


Give the Earth a Break –
Use your Feet for Goodness


Monday, 11 March 2013


Despite the terrible weather, lots of girls carried flowers as they walked, scooted, cycled or parked and strided to school for Flowery Feet on Friday to celebrate Mother's Day!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Valentine Feet on Friday

We got into the love season today by walking to school in red or pink! Look at our slideshow