Sunday, 2 November 2014

Biodiversity Awareness

We are working hard to raise awareness of Biodiversity in the school. Here are some of great things classes have been doing. 

3rd Class have been busy learning all about Biodiversity. They have been making projects and also wrote some fabulous acrostic poems. Have a look! 

5th Class visited Seapoint to study a seaside habitat.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Feet on Friday

'Feet on Friday' is back again and we want to get as many people as possible walking to school. Here are some pics of our September 'Feet on Friday'. Lots of girls in 2nd Class walked to school with very wacky hairstyles!

Don't miss the next 'Feet on Friday' on 24th October! The theme is 'Witchy Walk'. Put on your ghoulish gowns for the walk to school! 

Friday, 10 October 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!!

We are now in our second year working towards a Green Flag in Biodiversity.

The first thing on our agenda this year is a big clean-up of our school garden.

We are so lucky to have such a wonderful habitat that is home to lots of plant and animal life.

The garden clean up will take place this Saturday, October 11th 2014.

Volunteers are welcome to join the clean up from 10am!!

Here are some pictures of our school garden now...

Tune in next week to see if you can spot the difference!

Friday, 23 May 2014

Habitat Maps

Look at our wonderful Habitat Maps! Each class class did a great job of mapping all the different habitats we have in our school grounds.

4th Class made a dream Habitat Map showing how we can improve Biodiversity in the school

Ms.Clifford's 2nd Class used a colour coded key to show where the various habitats are on the school grounds!

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Coiste Uaine Update! Most of our class groups have submitted their habitat maps of our school grounds. the girls enjoyed compiling them, and it was amazing how each class picked out different features of the area. Some were very detailed and colourful. Ms. Clifford's class even made a colour-coded key -easy to read and very visually effective! The Green Committee will look at all the habitat maps and decide which one best displays all the possible areas of biodiversity in the school grounds.

One of the most recent ways we have tried to ensure biodiversity in the school natural environment is to provide habitats and shelters for various types of animals. Each class took responsibility for a different house/ shelter/ area. They had to research the optimum sites and conditions for their organism. Here are some photos of the girls positioning the houses. (with a little help from Mr. O'Flynn!)

There are houses for insects - ladybirds, butterflies and lacewings,  birds - treecreepers and wrens.

Senior infants took on the job of the pond habitat. Again, more detail vcan be found in a separate blog.


Fifth class did a project about bats, which 

can be seen in detail in a separate blog, they 

called in a bat expert to inform them about 

the best position for their two bat roosting



Thursday, 13 March 2014

What a turnout!! It seemed that almost every girl in the school had brought her scooter yesterday to SOW day! And what amazing scooters! Each one was more blinged than the next.


  Best of all, we fulfilled our challenge of making a scooter chain around the school. Ms. McGowan led the scooters from the front yard right around the school building and back!

We hope to upload a video of the spectacular scooter chain shortly.

There were literally over a hundred and fifty amazing scooters so it was with great difficulty that these five excellent souped-up scooters were chosen! Well done to the winners and to all the girls- a great  day!

Monday, 10 March 2014

Are you ready for SOW day?

Don't Forget that this Wednesday 13th March is SOW Day (Scoot on Wednesday)!!

Bling your scooter, take part in The Great Scooter Race, and join in the scooter chain around the school.